

css background

  background-color: #00f; /* Blue */
  background-image: url("Image Path");
    top right  | left center   | bottom center
    top left   | right center  | bottom right
    top center | center center | bottom left ;
  /* Use any option that met your requirements*/
  background-size: cover; /* Set the image to cover all the div */
  background-repeat: no-repeat; /* Commonly used for that situation */
  background-attachment: fixed; /* the image will stay with you while scrolling same as position: fixed*/
  /* Use background-attachment: scroll [Default Value]; to remove fixed effect */
  Background shortHand 
  background: background-color background-image background-repeat background-position

background properties css

/* Background-Image: Sets the background image of an element */
background-image: url("clashingcode");

/* Background-Position: The position property is mainly used to specify the positioning of the image */
background-position: right top;

/* Background-Repeat: Defines how a specified background image is repeated. The repeat-x value will repeat the image horizontally(x-axis) while the repeat-y value will repeat the image vertically(y-axis) */
background-repeat: repeat-x;

/* Background-Attachment: specifies the kind of attachment of the background image(scroll with the content or be fixed respect the container). */
background-attachment: scroll;

/* Background-Color: Sets the background color of an element */
background-color: blue;

/* Background: Shorthand Property */
background: background-color background-image background-repeat background-attachment background-position;

background in css

.card {
	/* other styles */
	background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7);
	-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
	backdrop-filter: blur(10px);

background css

/* Color (Example: red): */
html,body {
  background-color: red;

/* Image (Example: your.picture): */
html,body {
  background-image: url("your.picture");

background in css

/* There are several ways of setting a background, like in HTML or CSS
	(I advise you to set it in CSS) You can set a colour or image with
	the same attribute: */

/* Setting the colour in a div, body, html (html is the whole page),
	class, and id: */
div, body, html, .myClass, #myId {
	background-color: grey;
/* Setting the image: */
div {
	background: url("img.jpg");
/* If you want to call an image from a specific directory use a '/'.
	For example, the image is in a folder called 'Images' (the HTML
	and CSS files have to be in the same folder as the 'Images folder') */
div {
	background: url("Images/img.jpg");

css background

	<title>CSS Background Repeat</title>
        body {
            background-image: url("hello.png");
            background-repeat: repeat-x;

	<h1>Programming Tutorials In Telugu</h1>
	<p>This is paragraph.</p>
    This is normal text.

Code Example
Css :: limit number of text lines 
Css :: how to remove gap between divs 
Css :: css good font color 
Css :: rgba blue colo 
Css :: move text outside div 
Css :: mettre image in the background 
Css :: edit css jquery 
Css :: gradient 3 colors 
Css :: svg stroke color 
Css :: css make background visible in text 
Css :: css move animation 
Css :: How to specify that the background image should be shown once, in the top right corner. 
Css :: css prevent new line div 
Css :: material icons after css 
Css :: flex direction tailwind 
Css :: css highlight element 
Css :: can span have width 
Css :: how to put mulitple conditions in media query 
Css :: table data max width 
Css :: &:disabled not working sass 
Css :: Correct border property to add ROUNDED borders to the elements 
Css :: how to make scroller show only on hover of container 
Css :: free computer screen recording software 
Css :: multiple box shadows css 
Css :: overflow-y scroll not working in chrome 
Css :: add background video to div css 
Css :: css comments 
Css :: remove double quotes from string kotlin 
Css :: overflow-x hidden not working 
Css :: laravel enum float 
Source link
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