


/* Valeurs avec un mot-clé */
object-fit: fill;
object-fit: contain;
object-fit: cover;
object-fit: none;
object-fit: scale-down;

/* Valeurs globales */
object-fit: inherit;
object-fit: initial;
object-fit: unset;

object fit css

img {
  width: 200px;
  object-fit: cover;

object-fit values in css

  object-fit: cover|contain|fill|none|scale-down;


  object-fit: fill;
  object-fit: contain;
  object-fit: none;
  object-fit: scale-down;

object fit cover

img {
  width: 200px;
  object-fit: cover;

onbject-fit css

The object-fit CSS property sets how the content of a replaced element, such as an <img> or <video>, should be resized to fit its container.


CSS The object-fit Property

img {
  width: 200px;
  height: 300px;
  object-fit: cover;

object-fit: cover;

/*image cover*/
object-fit: cover; 
/*image perfect size css html*/

object fit css

background image to fit inside container which maintaining dimensions.

example for object fit in css

  <h2>object-fit: fill</h2>
  <img class="fill" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <img class="fill narrow" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <h2>object-fit: contain</h2>
  <img class="contain" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <img class="contain narrow" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <h2>object-fit: cover</h2>
  <img class="cover" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <img class="cover narrow" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <h2>object-fit: none</h2>
  <img class="none" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <img class="none narrow" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <h2>object-fit: scale-down</h2>
  <img class="scale-down" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">

  <img class="scale-down narrow" src="mdn_logo_only_color.png" alt="MDN Logo">


/* The object-fit CSS property sets how the content of a replaced 
element, such as an <img> or <video>, 
should be resized to fit its container. 

The position of the replaced element can be affected using CSS,
but not the contents of the replaced element itself.
Some replaced elements, such as <iframe> elements,
may have stylesheets of their own, but they don't inherit the styles
of the parent document. */

/* Global */
object-fit: inherit;
object-fit: initial;
object-fit: revert;
object-fit: unset;

/* VALUES */

object-fit: contain;

The replaced content is scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting
within the element’s content box. The entire object is made to fill the
box, while preserving its aspect ratio, so the object will be 
"letterboxed" if its aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio
of the box.

object-fit: cover;

The replaced content is sized to maintain its aspect ratio
while filling the element’s entire content box. 
If the object's aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of its box,
then the object will be clipped to fit.

object-fit: fill;

The replaced content is sized to fill the element’s content box.
The entire object will completely fill the box. 
If the object's aspect ratio does not match the aspect ratio of its box,
then the object will be stretched to fit.

object-fit: none;
The replaced content is not resized.

object-fit: scale-down;

The content is sized as if none or contain were specified, 
whichever would result in a smaller concrete object size.

Code Example
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Css :: background remover 
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Css :: Background Animation onHover 
Css :: overlap section 
Css :: how to remove input background on select oin css 
Css :: css font weight 
Css :: blockquote quotation marks css 
Css :: Responsive Web Design - Media Queries 
Css :: order CSS properties 
Css :: why is my body background color in css not working 
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Css :: css grid generator 
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Css :: text-decoration not working in microsoft mail 
Css :: overriding fullpage js anchor style 
Css :: Getting strated with boostrap css for html and Reacr framework 
Source link
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