<title>Bold text</title>
<p>Use the strong element to <strong>indicate strongly emphasized</strong> content.</p>
<!-- convertir a NEGRITA -->
<b> Tu letra </b>
<!--Emphasized bold text. It's for content that is of greater importance-->
<strong>I'm a content</strong>
<!--Bold text. It's used to draw attention to text without indicating that it's more important-->
<b>I'm another content</b>
<p><strong> I'm bold text </strong></p>
#bold text:
<strong> this is bold </strong>
<p>Use <strong>the strong element to add bold</strong> to it!</p>
<!-- To make your text bolder in HTML -->
<p> instead of <b> which styles the text to be bolder </b> use
<strong> which actually maked the text bolder </strong> </p>
font-weight: bold;
<strong>Bold text</strong>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML text bold</title>
<h2>Our Products</h2>
<p>Developed 10 <strong>Android</strong> apps till now.</p>
<b> You Text Here </b>
<b> Bold Text </b>
<!-- Use <b> tag to make a text bold-->
<p>This word will be <b>bold</b></p>
<b>This is bold text.</b>
<strong>This is emphasized bold text.</strong>
<!--bold text -->
<b>this tag will make text bold</b>
we can use strong tag
<p> <strong>So this text is looking Bolt because of strong_Tag</strong> </p>
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