What is Hydration?
In web development, hydration or rehydration is a technique in
which client-side JavaScript converts a static HTML web page,
delivered either through static hosting or server-side rendering,
into a dynamic web page by attaching event handlers to the HTML elements.
Because the HTML is pre-rendered on a server, this allows for a fast
"first contentful paint" (when useful data is first displayed
to the user), but there is a period of time afterward where the page
appears to be fully loaded and interactive, but is not until
the client-side JavaScript is executed and event handlers have
been attached.
const el = document.getElementById('app')
ReactDOM.hydrate(<App />, el)
Code Example |
Html :: html iframes |
Html :: favicon |
Html :: load a html page inside another |
Html :: js input just audio files |
Html :: html select option text color |
Html :: th tag in html |
Html :: vue bind |
Html :: Headings |
Html :: style attribute in html |
Html :: fieldset margin |
Html :: html5 exmaple |
Html :: html acesskey |
Html :: dropzone |
Html :: justify content align items |
Html :: npm package private |
Html :: create link inertia-svelte |
Html :: boostrap grid |
Html :: vertical tabs bootstrap |
Html :: html table column filter dropdown |
Html :: Select with checl box |
Html :: jquery get innerhtml of span |
Html :: how to enter through a button that is closed in a html code |
Html :: H1 ALERT HTML |
Html :: starter bootstrap |
Html :: postcode input html |
Html :: button onclick href |
Html :: get all html element data using angular |
Html :: html height percentage not working |
Html :: Text with colour |
Html :: bootstrap 5 growing spinner |