

java operations on classes

Java does not support Operator Overloading.
The only option you have is define methods like
add(), subtract(), multiply(), etc, and write the logic there,
and invoke them for particular operation.

You can have a look at BigInteger class to get an idea of how you can 
define methods to support various operations. And if interested,
you can even go through the source code, that you can find in the src folder
of your jdk home directory.

Code Example
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Java :: how to get single value from input string in java 
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Java :: action media scanner scan file android 30 deprecated 
Java :: replace string placeholder java 
Java :: java oop design patterns 
Java :: sending file over socket stream 
Java :: multi threading callable 
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Java :: Write a java program to merge three singly linked list elements 
Java :: Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, : invalid code -- missing end-of-block 
Java :: interfaces in java 
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Java :: Java Implement SAM with anonymous classes in java 
Java :: java assert keyword 
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Java :: raspberry stackexchange how to install the java jdk 
Source link
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