

Removing Elements in java map

// Java program to demonstrate
// the working of Map interface

import java.util.*;
class Main {

	public static void main(String args[])

		// Initialization of a Map
		// using Generics
		Map<Integer, String> hashmap1= new HashMap<Integer, String>();
		// Inserting the Elements
		hashmap1.put(1, "Apple");
		hashmap1.put(2, "Banana");
		hashmap1.put(3, "Mango");

		// Initial Map
		System.out.println("Initial Map :"+hashmap1+"

		hashmap1.remove(new Integer(2));

		// Final Map
		System.out.println("Updated Map :"+hashmap1);

java remove map key

/*Suppose a map*/
Map<T> map = new HashMap<>();
/*Insert 2 keys, and remove one*/
map.put('First', 'John');
map.put('Second', 'Tommy');
// Returns a value, you don't have to save it if you want
String removedValue = map.remove('First');

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