

spring @Bean destroyMethod

The optional name of a method to call on the bean instance upon closing the application context, for example a close() method on a JDBC DataSource implementation, or a Hibernate SessionFactory object. The method must have no arguments but may throw any exception.
As a convenience to the user, the container will attempt to infer a destroy method against an object returned from the @Bean method. For example, given an @Bean method returning an Apache Commons DBCP BasicDataSource, the container will notice the close() method available on that object and automatically register it as the destroyMethod. This 'destroy method inference' is currently limited to detecting only public, no-arg methods named 'close' or 'shutdown'. The method may be declared at any level of the inheritance hierarchy and will be detected regardless of the return type of the @Bean method (i.e., detection occurs reflectively against the bean instance itself at creation time).

To disable destroy method inference for a particular @Bean, specify an empty string as the value, e.g. @Bean(destroyMethod=""). Note that the DisposableBean callback interface will nevertheless get detected and the corresponding destroy method invoked: In other words, destroyMethod="" only affects custom close/shutdown methods and Closeable/AutoCloseable declared close methods.

Note: Only invoked on beans whose lifecycle is under the full control of the factory, which is always the case for singletons but not guaranteed for any other scope.

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