

alert title change

You cant change the title of an alert box in javascript

This is a security/anti-phishing feature.

You can however use something like SweetAlert ( to create a custom alertbox where you can change the title.

Code Example
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Javascript :: javascrript Wrap all individual words in a span tag based on their first letter 
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Javascript :: angularjs How to render either a number or a HTML element depending on what a function returns 
Javascript :: Angular js Directive to Fire "click" event on pressing enter key on ANY element 
Javascript :: Presenting backend data using AngularJS/AJAX in MVC VIEW 
Javascript :: react-native navigation stack set push component then cover parent page 
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Javascript :: How do I group values to an array for the same field value in jq 
Javascript :: get copied text javascript 
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Javascript :: get element position react 
Source link
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