

Argument #1 ($client) must be of type AwsS3Client, AwsS3S3Client given

//open composer.json and change inside version to "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3": "^1.0"
//run composer update

Argument #1 ($client) must be of type AwsS3Client

//in laravel/config/filesystems.php
//add this line in S3
'scheme' => 'http' // to disable SSL verification on local development

//Your filesystem.php should look like this
's3' => [
    'driver' => 's3',
    'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
    'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
    'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'),
    'bucket' => env('AWS_BUCKET'),
    'url' => env('AWS_URL'),
    'scheme' => 'http' // to disable SSL verification on local development
//When you run it on your server which has SSL verification, you need to comment 'scheme' line.

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Source link
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