

banking program deposit and withdrawal using ajax call

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <script  src=""></script>

    <div id="checking" class="account">
      <div id="checkingBalance" class="balance">$0</div>
      <input id="checkingInput" class="input" type="text" value="0" placeholder="enter an amount" />
      <input id="checkingDeposit" class="deposit" type="button" value="Deposit" />
      <input id="checkingWithdraw" class="withdraw" type="button" value="Withdraw" />
    <div id="savings" class="account">
      <div id="savingsBalance" class="balance">$0</div>
      <input id="savingsInput" class="input" type="text" placeholder="enter an amount" value="0" />
      <input id="savingsDeposit" class="deposit" type="button" value="Deposit" />
      <input id="savingsWithdraw" class="withdraw" type="button" value="Withdraw" />
    $(function() {
      $("#checkingBalance").on("click", function() {
        var checkingBalance = parseInt($(this).text().replace("$", "")); 
        console.log("This is the checking balance. ", checkingBalance); 
        var deposit = parseInt($("#checkingInput").val()); 
        console.log("This is the deposit: " + deposit);
        var total = deposit + checkingBalance; 
        console.log("This is the total: " + total); 
        $("#checkingBalance").html("$" + total);
        if (total > 0) {


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Source link
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