<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("I have multi-line comments!");
/*document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");
document.write("You can't see this!");*/
You can use double slash //for single line of code
//console.log("Hello world!")
If you want to comment out multiple lines of code here is the two ways.
First: everything between /**/
console.log("Hello world1!")
console.log("Hello world2!")
console.log("Hello world3!")
Second: select all lines, which you want to comment out and use:
ctrl+k+c //to comment out
ctrl+k+u //to uncomment
//console.log("Hello world1!")
//console.log("Hello world2!")
//console.log("Hello world3!")
<script type="text/javascript">
// This is a single line JavaScript comment
document.write("I have comments in my JavaScript code!");
//document.write("You can't see this!");
//I'm a single line comment
/* I'm comment on
* more then one line.
// This is how you comment a single line in JavaScript
This is how you comment
multiple lines in
//Single line comments with 2 forward slashes
Multi-line comments
with start and closing comment symbol
//You can also use comments for Functions,Classes and Class Methods.
Function/Class methods comments will display the comment to developers.
Displays comment when hovering over the function/method name.
Might also display comment with intellisense feature.
Should work in most IDE with intellisense for language in use.
May need to install and set correct intellisense for language in use.
To be placed at top of functions, classes or class methods.
* Function/Class/Class-method Description
** Double asterisk adds list items
** You can add url for online resources just type url
** there as several @ options see https://jsdoc.app/ for list and description
** data-type is best typed in caps
** intellisense may color code data-type typed in caps
** Format of @options below
* @option | {data-type} | parameter-name | description
* @return-option | {data-type} | description
//IMPLEMENTATION EXAMPLE (Use example then call the function to see how it works)
* Alerts a message to user
** Note: doesn't display title
** https://jsdoc.app
* @param {STRING} message Message to user
* @param {STRING} username This is username
* @param {NUMBER} age Age of User
* @returns {BOOLEAN} Boolean
function AlertSomething(message,username,age){
alert(message + username + " . You are " + age + " years old");
return true;
AlertSomething("Hello ", "Alice", 25);
//this is a comment
// single-line comment
Comment with
multiple lines
// javascript comment
//short comment
//loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong comment
//Comments won't be shown on the page or effect the code but will remain in website code. Useful for commenting what is the code for
let x = 5; // Declare x, give it the value of 5
let y = x + 2; // Declare y, give it the value of x + 2
/*multi-line comment*/
//import Navbar from "./components/Navbar"
/* hello ram
Hello, Bharat */