

convert js to python online

>>> import js2py
>>> f = js2py.eval_js('function f(x) {return x + x}')
>>> f(2)
>>> f()
>>> f(f)
function f(x) { [python code] }function f(x) { [python code] }

convert online code javascript to python

var bigint = require( 'big-integer' )

var lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
var upper = lower.toUpperCase();
var numbers = '0123456789'
var ig_alphabet =  upper + lower + numbers + '-_'
var bigint_alphabet = numbers + lower

function toShortcode( longid )
	var o = bigint( longid ).toString( 64 )
	return o.replace(/<(d+)>|(w)/g, (m,m1,m2) =>
		return ig_alphabet.charAt( ( m1 )
		  ? parseInt( m1 ) 
		  : bigint_alphabet.indexOf( m2 ) )

function fromShortcode( shortcode )
	var o = shortcode.replace( /S/g, m =>
		var c = ig_alphabet.indexOf( m )
		var b = bigint_alphabet.charAt( c ) 
		return ( b != "" ) ? b : `<${c}>`
	} )	
	return bigint( o, 64 ).toString( 10 )

toShortcode(  '908540701891980503' ) // s.b. 'ybyPRoQWzX'
fromShortcode( 'ybyPRoQWzX' ) // s.b. '908540701891980503'

convert online code javascript to python

var bigint = require( 'big-integer' )

var lower = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
var upper = lower.toUpperCase();
var numbers = '0123456789'
var ig_alphabet =  upper + lower + numbers + '-_'
var bigint_alphabet = numbers + lower

function toShortcode( longid )
	var o = bigint( longid ).toString( 64 )
	return o.replace(/<(d+)>|(w)/g, (m,m1,m2) =>
		return ig_alphabet.charAt( ( m1 )
		  ? parseInt( m1 ) 
		  : bigint_alphabet.indexOf( m2 ) )

function fromShortcode( shortcode )
	var o = shortcode.replace( /S/g, m =>
		var c = ig_alphabet.indexOf( m )
		var b = bigint_alphabet.charAt( c ) 
		return ( b != "" ) ? b : `<${c}>`
	} )	
	return bigint( o, 64 ).toString( 10 )

toShortcode(  '908540701891980503' ) // s.b. 'ybyPRoQWzX'
fromShortcode( 'ybyPRoQWzX' ) // s.b. '908540701891980503'

js to python converter online

const { Api, TelegramClient } = require("telegram");
const { StringSession } = require("telegram/sessions");

const session = new StringSession(""); // You should put your string session here
const client = new TelegramClient(session, apiId, apiHash, {});

(async function run() {
  await client.connect(); // This assumes you have already authenticated with .start()

  const result = await client.invoke(
    new Api.upload.GetWebFile({
      location: new Api.InputWebFileLocation({
        url: "some string here",
        accessHash: BigInt("-4156887774564"),
      offset: 43,
      limit: 100,
  console.log(result); // prints the result

Code Example
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Javascript :: mongoose find 
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Javascript :: lodash isNil 
Javascript :: reisze image expo react native 
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Javascript :: Find items from object 
Javascript :: js rename property 
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Javascript :: chai js 
Javascript :: dynamic useState in react 
Javascript :: Why my array resets itself when I leave my function 
Javascript :: js str split 
Javascript :: javascript create array 
Javascript :: keyframe options 
Source link
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