

How to Check for an Empty String in JavaScript with the length Property

// In this method, we will check for the length of the string by adding the length property.
// We'll check if the length is equal to 0. If it’s equal to zero,
// it means that the string is empty, as we can see below:

let myStr = "";

if (myStr.length === 0) {
  console.log("This is an empty string!");

The above will return this:

"This is an empty string!"

But this approach unfortunately might not work in all situations.
For example, if we have a string that has white spaces as seen below:

let myStr = "  ";

if (myStr.length === 0) {
  console.log("This is an empty string!");
  console.log("This is NOT an empty string!");

This will return:

"This is NOT an empty string!"

We can easily fix this error by first removing the white spaces using the trim() method
before checking for the length of such string to see if it’s empty as seen below:

let myStr = "  ";

if (myStr.trim().length === 0) {
  console.log("This is an empty string!");
  console.log("This is NOT an empty string!");

This will now return the following:

"This is an empty string!"

Note: If the value is null, this will throw an error because the length property does
not work for null.

To fix this, we can add an argument that checks if the value's type is a string and
skips this check if it is not:

let myStr = null;

if (typeof myStr === "string" && myStr.trim().length === 0) {
  console.log("This is an empty string!");

Code Example
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