if (str_contains('abc', '')) {
echo "Checking the existence of the empty string will always return true";
//Here are the commonly used JavaScript String methods:
var abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var esc = 'I don't
know'; //
new line
var len = abc.length; // string length
abc.indexOf("lmno"); // find substring, -1 if doesn't contain
abc.lastIndexOf("lmno"); // last occurance
abc.slice(3, 6); // cuts out "def", negative values count from behind
abc.replace("abc","123"); // find and replace, takes regular expressions
abc.toUpperCase(); // convert to upper case
abc.toLowerCase(); // convert to lower case
abc.concat(" ", str2); // abc + " " + str2
abc.charAt(2); // character at index: "c"
abc[2]; // unsafe, abc[2] = "C" doesn't work
abc.charCodeAt(2); // character code at index: "c" -> 99
abc.split(","); // splitting a string on commas gives an array
abc.split(""); // splitting on characters
128.toString(16); // number to hex(16), octal (8) or binary (2)