

how to create a website with javascript

To create a website using Javascript you must consider to use a framework like:
- React
- Angular
- Vue

Personnally I use React, Angular is a little bit messy but is good too, 
I've never deeply tried to use Vue so make your own opinion about this one !

Otherwise, you can try something like Svelte or Vanilla Javascript.
It can seems a little bit difficult but when you get it, it's easy.

create a simple website using javascript

<!-- How to Import a JS File --><script src="pathToFile/fileName.js"></script><!-- How to Write a Function -->function functionName() {	// body of the function}<!-- How to Change CSS of an ID on the Page -->document.getElementById("idName") = 'value';<!-- How to Run a Function on Button Click -->< button onclick="functionName()">buttonName</button><!-- Create a Variable -->var nameOfVariable = value;<!-- How to Use an If-Statement -->if (condition) {	// do this if the condition is true}<!-- How to Set Text of an HTML Element in JS -->document.getElementById("idName").innerHTML = 'newTextInElt'

how to make a website with html and javascript

i was searching and i was gonna right the answer mate whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

how to create a web browser in javascript

Don't... Don't even try!

JavaScript is run inside of browsers (generally). The point of JavaScript is to make web browsers more interactive. JavaScript is an interpreted language, meaning it is 'compiled' 'just in time' (JIT) which has an effect on its performance. I can almost guarantee all browsers are written in compiled languages like C++.

The fact that you are asking a question like this means that you have no idea the amount of effort it would take to create something like a web browser, let alone the right tools.

Probably the best and closest thing to a browser you'll be able to come up with is an iframe which a user can specify a url for.

Code Example
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Javascript :: how to get selected list item value in javascript 
Javascript :: set body id js 
Javascript :: for in range javascript 
Javascript :: outer click on div hide div in jqeury 
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Javascript :: indexof method 
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Javascript :: discord.js random output 
Javascript :: js object entries 
Javascript :: select the first elemnt have class in jquery 
Javascript :: for:each in lwc js 
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Javascript :: get all a elements javascript 
Javascript :: react native get location 
Javascript :: node js do request 
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Javascript :: react mui icons 
Javascript :: javascript jquery map a range of numbers 
Javascript :: how to know the current route in react class component 
Javascript :: import error in react 
Javascript :: javascript set value html element by class 
Source link
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