// To make an object literal:
const dog = {
name: "Rusty",
breed: "unknown",
isAlive: false,
age: 7
// All keys will be turned into strings!
// To retrieve a value:
dog.age; //7
dog["age"]; //7
//updating values
dog.breed = "mutt";
dog["age"] = 8;
1) Object Literal
const obj = {
name: "Ram",
age: "20"
2) Constructor Function or ES6- Class
const a = new Person("Ram", "25") //given Person is an existing function or class
3) Object.create method
const ram = Object.create(Person); //given person is an existing object
const person = {
name: 'Anthony',
age: 32,
city: 'Los Angeles',
occupation: 'Software Developer',
skills: ['React','JavaScript','HTML','CSS']
//Use Template Literal to also log a message to the console
const message = `Hi, I'm ${person.name}. I am ${person.age} years old. I live in ${person.city}. I am a ${person.occupation}.`;
const person = {
name: 'Nick'
person.name = 'John' // this will work ! person variable is not completely reassigned, but mutated
console.log(person.name) // "John"
person = "Sandra" // raises an error, because reassignment is not allowed with const declared variables