js console log with color
console.log('%c Oh my heavens! ', 'background: #222; color: #bada55');
js colored console log
* @param {string} text text to return
* @param {string} color enums: [black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white]
* @returns colored text
const colorConsoleText = (text, color = 'black') => {
const colors = {
black: "x1b[30m",
red: "x1b[31m",
green: "x1b[32m",
yellow: "x1b[33m",
blue: "x1b[34m",
magenta: "x1b[35m",
cyan: "x1b[36m",
white: "x1b[37m",
console_color: 'x1b[0m'
const coloredText = `${colors[color]}${text}${colors.console_color}`
return coloredText
console.log color
colors = {
reset: ' 33[0m',
//text color
black: ' 33[30m',
red: ' 33[31m',
green: ' 33[32m',
yellow: ' 33[33m',
blue: ' 33[34m',
magenta: ' 33[35m',
cyan: ' 33[36m',
white: ' 33[37m',
//background color
blackBg: ' 33[40m',
redBg: ' 33[41m',
greenBg: ' 33[42m',
yellowBg: ' 33[43m',
blueBg: ' 33[44m',
magentaBg: ' 33[45m',
cyanBg: ' 33[46m',
whiteBg: ' 33[47m'
console.log(' 33[31m this is red color on text');
console.log(' 33[0m this is reset');
console.log(' 33[41m this is red color on background');
js console.log color
console.log('%c My txt ', 'My css');
// Example
console.log('%c Hello world ', 'background: #222; color: #bada55');
javascript colorized console.log
console.log('%cconsole.log', 'color: green;');'', 'color: green;');
console.debug('%cconsole.debug', 'color: green;');
console.warn('%cconsole.warn', 'color: green;');
console.error('%cconsole.error', 'color: green;');
how to change the color of a console.log in javascript
// Download the npm package "colors"
// npm i colors
var colors = require("colors");
console.log("Hello World".blue);
// output: Hello World (Its blue btw lmao)
javascript colorized console.log
const styles = ['color: green', 'background: yellow'].join(';');
const message = 'Some Important Message Here';
// 3. Using the styles and message variable
console.log('%c%s', styles, message);
javascript console.log colors
console.log('x1b[33m%sx1b[0m', 'hi!')
javascript colorized console.log
'Nothing here %cHi Cat %cHey Bear', // Console Message
'color: blue',
'color: red', // CSS Style
javascript console.log colors
console.log('%c Hello World','color:red;border:1px solid dodgerblue');
javascript colorized console.log
// 1. Pass the css styles in an array
const styles = [
'color: green',
'background: yellow',
'font-size: 30px',
'border: 1px solid red',
'text-shadow: 2px 2px black',
'padding: 10px',
].join(';'); // 2. Concatenate the individual array item and concatenate them into a string separated by a semi-colon (;)
// 3. Pass the styles variable
console.log('%cHello There', styles);
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