// window.prompt() => Prompt for user input and return the value:
const person = prompt("Please enter your name");
console.log( "Hello " + person + " !" );
// The 2nd argument (optional) holds the default value:
const color = prompt("Enter a color name", "red");
const firstName = prompt("Siapa nama depanmu?");
const lastName = prompt("Siapa nama belakangmu?");
const language = prompt("Bisa berbahasa apa?");
const user = {
name: {
first: firstName,
last: lastName,
language: language
if (user.language === "English") {
alert("Nice to meet you " + user.name.first + " " + user.name.last + "!");
} else if (user.language === "French") {
alert("Ravi de vous rencontrer " + user.name.first + " " + user.name.last + "!");
} else if (user.language === "Japanese") {
alert("Hajimemashite, " + user.name.first + " " + user.name.last + "!");
} else {
alert("Senang bertemu dengan Anda " + user.name.first + " " + user.name.last + "!");
let text = prompt("What's your name?");
if (text !== "") {
alert(`Your name is: ${text}`);
} else {
alert(`Name cannot be empty`)
prompt("your name please")