var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// do some long running async thing…
if (/* everything turned out fine */) {
resolve("Stuff worked!");
else {
reject(Error("It broke"));
function(result) { /* handle a successful result */ },
function(error) { /* handle an error */ }
Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript.
They are easy to manage when dealing with multiple asynchronous operations
where callbacks can create callback hell leading to unmanageable code.
const studentRol=new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
/**this function will give the value Of tageted studebt Roll number */
let RollOffStd=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
for (let index = RollOffStd[RollOffStd.length-1]+1 ; index <50; index++) {
resolve( RollOffStd)
reject('My name is Noor mohammad ')
const mybiodata=(gRollOfStudent /* this is First parameter OF ( mybiodata function ) and You can change parameter value */)=>{
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout((x) => {
let bio={
myname : 'Noor mohammad Patwary ' ,
age : 25 ,
resolve(`my name is ${bio.myname } and my age = ${bio.age } and my roll is =${x} ` )
}, 1000,gRollOfStudent);
studentRol.then(( RollOfStudent)=>{
console.log(RollOfStudent); /** From here we are gating the Value OF student roll number */
mybiodata(RollOfStudent[1] /* this is First Argument OF ( mybiodata function )*/).then((fff)=>{
A promise is a building object of JavaScript, using it we can easily do
asynchronous tasks. Also, the concept that is used to create clean code
basically promises.
let firstPromise = new Promise((resolved, reject) => {
let fullName = 'Muhammad Shahnewaz';
setTimeout(() => resolved(fullName), 3000); //we need to use setTimeout()
}).then((name) => {
console.log('I am ' + name); //Muhammad Shahnewaz
const count = true;
let countValue = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
if (count) {
resolve("There is a count value.");
} else {
reject("There is no count value");
let myPromise = new Promise(function(myResolve, myReject) {
// "Producing Code" (May take some time)
myResolve(); // when successful
myReject(); // when error
// "Consuming Code" (Must wait for a fulfilled Promise)
function(value) { /* code if successful */ },
function(error) { /* code if some error */ }
// make new promise ... so this object will promise us that it will hold an Asynchronous action
// some times promise resolve and some times promise get rejected
const A = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
// here we pass argument if promise get resolved
// here we pass argument if promise get rejected
}, 3000);
// design handling callback function for resolve
let handleResolvedA = (massage)=>{console.log(massage)}
// design handling callback function for reject
let handleRejectedA = (massage)=>{console.log(massage)}
// do handling for both
A.then(handleResolvedA, handleRejectedA)
let hw = await new Promise((resolve)=>{
resolve(“HELLO WORLD”);
/*basically in resolve(whatever') the whatever is returned*/
/*hw will console.log out "HELLO WORLD" */
A promise is an object that may produce a single value sometime in the future: either a resolved value, or a reason that it's not resolved (e.g., a network error occurred)
Promises make async javascript easier as they are easy to use and write than callbacks. Basically , promise is just an object , that gives us either success of async opertion or failue of async operations
Method Description
all(iterable) Waits for all promises to be resolved or any one to be rejected
allSettled(iterable) Waits until all promises are either resolved or rejected
any(iterable) Returns the promise value as soon as any one of the promises is fulfilled
race(iterable) Wait until any of the promises is resolved or rejected
reject(reason) Returns a new Promise object that is rejected for the given reason
resolve(value) Returns a new Promise object that is resolved with the given value
catch() Appends the rejection handler callback
then() Appends the resolved handler callback
finally() Appends a handler to the promise