}, 2000); //repeat every 2s
// best implementation
repeatStr = (n, s) => s.repeat(n);
}, 1000);
let text = 'Hello world!';
let result = text.repeat(4);
const chorus = 'Because I'm happy. ';
console.log(`Chorus lyrics for "Happy": ${chorus.repeat(27)}`);
// expected output: "Chorus lyrics for "Happy": Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. "
repeatStr = (n, s) => s.repeat(n);
/* The string.repeat(n) method constructs and returns a new string
with "n" number of copies. */
const chorus = "Because I'm happy. ";
console.log(`Chorus lyrics: ${chorus.repeat(3)}`);
// → "Chorus lyrics: Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. Because I'm happy. "
// Use within a function
greeting = (n, words) => words.repeat(n);
console.log(greeting(5, "howdy "));
// → "howdy howdy howdy howdy howdy "
function repeatStr (n, s) {
return s.repeat(n)
repeatStr = (n, s) => s.repeat(n);