

nested destructuring javascript

const a = {
  id: 1,
  name: 'Yogesh',
  age: 30,
  education: {
    degree: 'Bachelor'
const {education: {degree}} = a;
console.log(degree); //prints: Bachelor

destructuring nested objects

const obj = {a: {b: 'xyz'}};

const {a: {b}} = obj;

console.log(b); // xyz

How to destructuring nested object value in javascript?

const person = {
    firstName: 'Adil',
    lastName: 'Arif',
    age: 25,
    job: 'web-developer',
    love: 'coding',
    friedsList: {
        friend1: 'Abir',
        friend2: 'Adnan'
const { friend1, friend2 } = person.friedsList;
console.log(friend1, friend2);
//Expected output: Abir Adnan

Destructuring object from a nested object

const person = {
    name: 'labib',
    age: 22,
    job: 'web-developer',
    frieds: ['ahsik', 'abir', 'alvi', 'hanafi'],
    childList: {
        firstChild: 'Salman',
        secondChild: 'Rafi',
        thirdChild: 'Anfi'

//simple destructuring
const { name, age, job } = person;
console.log(name, age, job);
//Expected output: labib 22 web-developer

nested array destructuring javascript

// destructuring array & nested array & combine array into single array
let person = ["John", "Sandy", "Sam", ["Mike", "Max"], "Diego", "Paul"];
// empty comma is like skipping array index. I skipped "Sam"
const [a, b, , c, ...d] = person;

let friend = [d, "Tom", "Jerry"] 
let newFriend = [...d, "Tom", "Jerry"]

console.log(a); // output: "John"
console.log(b); // output: "Sandy"
console.log(c); // output: [ "Mike", "Max" ]
console.log(d); // output: ["Diego", "Paul"]
console.log(friend); // output: [ [ 'Diego', 'Paul' ], 'Tom', 'Jerry' ]
console.log(newFriend); // output: [ 'Diego', 'Paul', 'Tom', 'Jerry' ]

How to destructuring values from an nested object in javascript?

var personsInfo = {
    company: 'sp-coder',
    persons: [{
        id: 1,
        name: 'Adil',
        friedsList: {
            friend1: 'Nabil',
            friend2: 'Habib'
    }, {
        id: 2,
        name: 'Arif',
        friedsList: {
            friend1: 'alvi',
            friend2: 'avi'

const { friend1, friend2 } = personsInfo.persons[0].friedsList;
console.log(friend1, friend2);
// Expected Output: Nabil Habib

javascript nested array destructuring

const person = {
    name: 'Arif',
    age: 22,
    job: 'we-developer',
    friendList: ['abir', 'adnan', 'alvi'],
    companyDetails: {
        id: 3343,
        companyName: 'IT solution',
        salary: 33400,
        location: 'jahanbarge',
const [x, y, z] = person.friendList;
console.log(x, y, z);
//Expected output:abir adnan alvi

es6 parameter destructuring nested object

const myFunc = ({event: {target: {name,secondName}}}) => {

myFunc({event: {target: {name: 'fred'}}})

Nested destructuring in Javascript

const person = {
    id: 0133,
    name: "Robert",
    positon: "web-developer",
    salary: 8000,
    pColor: "red",
    pSports: "football",
    pMovies: ["word war 1", "destroy the world", "long way", "Where is my home"],
    pChild: {
        firstChild: "Adiba",
        secondChild: "Alvi"
const { secondChild } = person.pChild;
//Output: Alvi

JavaScript nested destructuring

// Destructuring an object > array > object structure
const returnedObject = {
  docsArray: [
    {socketRoom: '', routes: []},
    {socketRoom: '', routes: []},
    {socketRoom: '', routes: []},

// this will destructure the first and second elements from docsArray, and spread the remainder
const {docsArray: [element0, element1, ...remainder]} = returnedObject

// taking this further with destructing properties from element0 
const {docsArray: [{socketRoom0, routes0} = element0, {socketRoom1, routes1} = element1]} = returnedObject

// note the syntax for destructing Objects and Arrays
const {propName} = Object
const [element0, element1] = Array

// then one layer deep where Object[propName] is an Array
const {propName: [element0]} = Object

// then two layers, where element0 is an Object
const {propName: [{propName} = element0]}

// three layers
const {propName: [{propName: [element00]} = element0]}

javascript Nested Destructuring Assignment

// nested array elements
const arrValue = ['one', ['two', 'three']];

// nested destructuring assignment in arrays
const [x, [y, z]] = arrValue;

console.log(x); // one
console.log(y); // two
console.log(z); // three

destructuring function nested parameters

let options = {
  title: 'My menu',
  items: ['item1', 'item2']

function showMenu({
  title = 'Untitled',
  width: w = 100,
  height: h = 200,
  items: [item1, item2] = ['something', 'esle'] // default whole array
  	items: [item1 = 'something', item2 = 'else']  // default items
} = {} /* default empty obj if showMenu() doesn't get an argument */ ) {
  console.log(`${title} ${w} ${h}`);
  console.log(`${item1} and ${item2}`);


javascript nested array destructuring

let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, [100, 200, 300], 5, 6, 7];

// nested array destructuring
const [a, , , , [, b, ,], , , ,] = arr;

// expected output "1"

// expected output "200"

Destructuring Nested Objects

const user = {  id: 339,  name: 'Fred',  age: 42};
const {name} = user;
console.log(name); //Expected output: fred

Code Example
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