

phaser export animation to json

 preload ()
        this.load.atlas('gems', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.png', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.json');

    create ()
        this.add.text(400, 32, 'Check the console', { color: '#00ff00' }).setOrigin(0.5, 0);

        this.anims.create({ key: 'diamond', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'diamond_', end: 15, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 });
        this.anims.create({ key: 'prism', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'prism_', end: 6, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 });
        this.anims.create({ key: 'ruby', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'ruby_', end: 6, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 });
        this.anims.create({ key: 'square', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'square_', end: 14, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 });

        this.add.sprite(400, 200, 'gems').play('diamond');
        this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'gems').play('prism');
        this.add.sprite(400, 400, 'gems').play('ruby');
        this.add.sprite(400, 500, 'gems').play('square');

        //  Get a JSON representation of a single animation, or all animations:

        //  You can extract the animation:
        var ruby = this.anims.get('ruby');

        //  Then pass it to JSON.stringify

        //  Or call toJSON directly (this returns an Object)

        //  You can also call 'this.anims.toJSON' and pass it the key of the animation you want:

        //  Or dump out ALL animations in the Animation Manager:

phaser animation from json

  preload ()
        this.load.atlas('gems', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.png', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.json');


    create ()
        this.add.text(400, 32, 'Animations from JSON Object', { color: '#00ff00' }).setOrigin(0.5, 0);

		// here data contains the animation frames information

        this.add.sprite(400, 200, 'gems').play('diamond');
       // this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'gems').play('prism');
       // this.add.sprite(400, 400, 'gems').play('ruby');
       // this.add.sprite(400, 500, 'gems').play('square');

const data = {
    "anims": [
            "key": "diamond",
            "type": "frame",
            "frames": [
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0000",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0001",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0002",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0003",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0004",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0005",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0006",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0007",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0008",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0009",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0010",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0011",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0012",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0013",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0014",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
                    "key": "gems",
                    "frame": "diamond_0015",
                    "duration": 0,
                    "visible": false
            "frameRate": 24,
            "duration": 1.5,
            "skipMissedFrames": true,
            "delay": 0,
            "repeat": -1,
            "repeatDelay": 0,
            "yoyo": false,
            "showOnStart": false,
            "hideOnComplete": false

Code Example
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Source link
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