const vegetables =['parsnip','potato'];const moreVegs =['celery','beetroot'];// Merge the second array into the first one
vegetables.push(...moreVegs);console.log(vegetables);// ['parsnip', 'potato', 'celery', 'beetroot']
let array =["A","B"];let variable ="what you want to add";//Add the variable to the end of the array
array.push(variable);//===========================console.log(array);//output =>//["A", "B", "what you want to add"]
//the array comes herevar numbers =[1,2,3,4];//here you add another number
numbers.push(5);//or if you want to do it with wordsvar words =["one","two","three","four"];//then you add a word
words.push("five")//thanks for reading
// Add to the end of arraylet colors =["white","blue"];
colors.push("red");// ['white','blue','red']// Add to the beggining of arraylet colors =["white","blue"];
colors.unshift("red");// ['red','white','blue']// Adding with spread operatorlet colors =["white","blue"];
colors =[...colors,"red"];// ['white','blue','red']