

regex special characters to escape

Char Description	                     Meaning
	 Backslash	                         Used to escape a special character
^	 Caret	                             Beginning of a string
$	 Dollar sign	                     End of a string
.	 Period or dot	                     Matches any single character
|	 Vertical bar or pipe symbol         Matches previous OR next character/group
?	 Question mark	                     Match zero or one of the previous
*	 Asterisk or star	                 Match zero, one or more of the previous
+	 Plus sign	                         Match one or more of the previous
( )	 Opening and closing parenthesis     Group characters
[ ]	 Opening and closing square bracket	 Matches a range of characters
{ }	 Opening and closing curly brace	 Matches a specified number of occurrences of the previous

regex to escape special characters

function escapeRegExp(text) {
  return text.replace(/[-[]{}()*+?.,^$|#s]/g, '$&');

regular expression escape character

regex = / a/; // match a bell or alarm
regex = / e/; // matches an escape
regex = / f/; // matches a form feed
regex = / n/; // matches a new line
regex = / Q…E/; // ingnores any special meanings in what is being matched
regex = / r/; // matches a carriage return
regex = / v/; // matches a vertical tab

Code Example
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