let showme || "if the variable showme has nothing inside show this string";
let string = condition ? 'true' : 'false'; // if condition is more than one enclose in brackets
let condition && 'show this string if condition is true';
// ternary operator in javascript
const x = 6;
let answer = x > 10 ? "greater than 10" : "less than 10";
// output: less than 10
// nested condition
const answer = x > 10 ? "greater than 10" : x < 5 ? "less than 5" : "between 5 and 10";
// output: between 5 and 10
// Syntax
condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse
function gfg() {
//JavaScript to illustrate
//Conditional operator
let PMarks = 40
let result = (PMarks > 39)?
"Pass":"Fail"; //Syntax:- (condition) ? do this if true : do this if false
// Write your function here:
const lifePhase = (age) => {
return age < 0 || age > 140 ? 'This is not a valid age':
age < 3 ? 'baby':
age < 13 ? 'child':
age < 20 ? 'teen':
age < 65 ? 'adult':'senior citizen';
let memberType = 'basic';
let price = memberType === 'basic' ? 5 : 10;
In the example, the condition that is evaluated is whether memberType === 'basic'.
If this condition is true, then price will be 5, and otherwise it will be 10.
The equivalent long-hand conditional expression would be:
let memberType = 'basic';
let price;
if (memberType === 'basic') {
price = 5;
} else {
price = 10;
let startingNum = startingNum ? otherNum : 1
// can be expressed as
let startingNum = otherNum || 1
// Another scenario not covered here is if you want the value
// to return false when not matched.
//The JavaScript shorthandfor this is:
let startingNum = startingNum ? otherNum : 0
// But it can be expressed as
let startingNum = startingNum && otherNum
function fee(isMember)
return isMember==true?"$20":"$100"
/*the syntax is check if a equals b, if so, return c otherwise return d*/
/*1==1?4:10: check if 1 equals 1, if so, return 4 otherwise return 10*/