

type of data model mongodb

- Data modeling is the process of defining how data is stored and what relationships exist between different entities in our data.
- Data modeling aims to visually represent the relationship between different entities in data. It also seeks to represent the data’s organization and grouping.

Type of modeling :

1. Embedded Documents:-
  _id: <ObjectId123>,
  title: "Data Modelling in MongoDB",
  body: "some long text...",
  comments: [
      _id: <ObjectId111>,
      comment: "some text...",
      author: ""     
      _id: <ObjectId222>,
      comment: "some text...",
      author: ""    

2. References:-
// blog post
  _id: <ObjectId123>,
  title: "Data Modelling in MongoDB",
  body: "some long text..."

// comments
  _id: <ObjectId111>,
  comment: "some text...",
  author: "",
  postId: <ObjectId123>. // reference to the blog post
  _id: <ObjectId222>,
  comment: "some text...",
  author: "",
  postId: <ObjectId123>    // reference to the blog post 

Code Example
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Javascript :: .includes( string 
Javascript :: vuex add multiple payload to mutation 
Javascript :: converting a string into a number in javascript 
Javascript :: how to find largest number in array in javascript 
Source link
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