

avoid web crawling in Laravel

<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
//Add this to the head of the html page and all search engines won't index this page

<meta name="googlebot" content="noindex">
//Add this to the head of the html page and all only google won't index this page

Code Example
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Php :: gan_sql 
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Php :: PHP sha1_file — Calculate the sha1 hash of a file 
Php :: Multiple databases user validation in Laravel 
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Php :: Get authors who has posts in category - WordPress 
Php :: laravel 8 storing dynamic checkbox integer value array 
Php :: Drupal 9 select node data with query conditions using entity type manager 
Php :: laravel route namespace and prefix 
Php :: user1263019 how to upload a file using php curl 
Php :: drupal 9 custom access checking for routes 
Php :: undefined function bcmul php linux 
Php :: php tableaux 
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Source link
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