

disadvantages of php

PHP is not that secure because of its open-source, as the source code can be easily available.
PHP is not suitable for large content-based web applications.
PHP has a weak type, which may lead to incorrect data and information to the user.
PHP frameworks need to learn to use the PHP built-in functionalities to avoid writing additional code.
PHP do not allow the change or modification in core behavior of the web applications.
PHP frameworks are not the same in behavior so does their performance and features.
Using more features of PHP framework and tools lead to poor performance of the web applications.

Code Example
Php :: newline not working php 
Php :: search query codeigniter 
Php :: return ob_start 
Php :: sanctum 
Php :: php get all days between two dates 
Php :: laravel form request exists 
Php :: get current user in symfony 
Php :: php into javascript 
Php :: how to set logo in wordpress 
Php :: run composer with specific php version 
Php :: install multiple php versions windows xampp 
Php :: php input onchange 
Php :: curl download progress bar php 
Php :: laravel migration tinyint length 
Php :: loginByUserID in conrete 
Php :: array in php 
Php :: simple php round Passing parameters with mode 
Php :: codeigniter 4 radio button isset 
Php :: storefront remove sidebar from product page 
Php :: hummingbird remove caching specific page php 
Php :: laravel query relationship nested 
Php :: how to removde product into shop loop via product id 
Php :: Laravel Secured Password 
Php :: echo placeholder image if post thumbnail not found 
Php :: cannot be cast automatically to type integer laravel 
Php :: php infinite loop 
Php :: pre_get_posts order by title 
Php :: laravel return a single dimensional array 
Php :: redirect to intent url after login laravel 
Php :: laravel 8 model filter 
Source link
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