

laravel migration table bigint

This takes care of making it unsigned, auto increment and primary key

laravel migration smallint length

For Laravel & Mysql

String types
CHAR - 1 to 191 (trailing spaces removed)
STRING - 1 to 16,300 (user defined)
TEXT - 1 to 65,535
MEDIUMTEXT - 1 to 16,777,215
LONGTEXT - 1 to 4,294,967,295

Integer types
TINYINT - 0 to 255 (unsigned) | -128 to 127 (signed)
SMALLINT - 0 to 65,535 (unsigned) | -32,768 to 32,767 (signed)
MEDIUMINT - 0 to 16,777,215 (unsigned) | -8,388,608 to 8,388,607 (signed)
INT - 0 to 4,294,967,295 (unsigned) | -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (signed)
BIGINT - 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (unsigned) | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (signed)

Floating types
Structure: `([max decimal places], [max precision])`
FLOAT - ([0-7], [0-23])
DOUBLE - ([0-14], [24-53])
DECIMAL - ([0-65], [0-30])

Code Example
Php :: laravel migration text length 
Php :: A Livewire component was not found 
Php :: add floater to open a modal in wordpress 
Php :: limit query codeiniter 3 
Php :: loginByUserID in conrete 
Php :: Show All Categories as Links 
Php :: append variable into string php 
Php :: how to add x-xss-protection header 
Php :: laravel call controller method from another controller 
Php :: php remove non printable characters 
Php :: laravel view routes 
Php :: php edit link 
Php :: php assign an array inside a foreach loop 
Php :: doble quotes in csv export php 
Php :: acf get all choices from select 
Php :: where statement multiple argument in codeigniter 
Php :: foreach tableau php 
Php :: limit wordpress search to title 
Php :: Before Action methoond in Yii 1 controller 
Php :: php pagination ellipsis 
Php :: You need to grant write permissions for PHP on the following directory: /var/www/html/prestashop 
Php :: wordpress query a post by id 
Php :: Uninitialized string offset 
Php :: php function return multiple values 
Php :: get attachment by id wordpress 
Php :: laravel where condition with if 
Php :: artisan app name 
Php :: php get api 
Php :: get the user detail inside the constructor Laravel 
Php :: havingraw in laravel 
Source link
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