$i = 10;
$a = $i++;
// Now $a is 10, and $i is 11
//PRE INCREMENTING : it is FASTER (-10% than previous above)
$i = 10;
$a = ++$i;
// Now $a is 11, and $i is 11
$a = 3;
$a += 5; // sets $a to 8, as if we had said: $a = $a + 5;
$b = "Hello ";
$b .= "There!"; // sets $b to "Hello There!", just like $b = $b . "There!";
$my_var = "foo";
$my_var .= " bar";
// foo bar
Code Example |
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Php :: array_filter in php |
Php :: get ids from object |
Php :: laravel "query()-find" |
Php :: php access class variable |
Php :: rand in codeigniter |
Php :: echo require php |
Php :: crud operations in php |
Php :: php throw fatal error |
Php :: Laravel 7 pagination with search filter |
Php :: laravel env use other env variables |
Php :: php triple quotes |
Php :: php pass a function as a parameter |
Php :: assert symfony |
Php :: compare key and one array |
Php :: view blade not found in laravel |
Php :: email verification laravel |
Php :: php glue strings |
Php :: find_in_set in laravel |
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Php :: how to update dropdown value in laravel |
Php :: laravel rules |
Php :: open phpstorm from terminal |
Php :: different between two dates |
Php :: Alternatives to chmod 775 or 664 |
Php :: laravele primrary key |
Php :: php enc |
Php :: laravel create multiple request |
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Php :: expiry date alert in php |