

php override built in functions

a. create new file with custom namespace, for example ovr.php
b. define all function that neeed to be overrided
c. include ovr.php at the beginning of each file, add namespace to that file to use same namespace used by ovr.php

//------------this is ovr.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace dk;
 * override parse_url return empty string despite null
 * @param string $url
 * @param int $component
 * @return mixed
function parse_url(string $url, int $component=-1): mixed {
	$ret=	parse_url($url, $component);
	if (is_null($ret)) $ret= '';
	return $ret;

//------------this is other-file.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace dk;

$a= parse_url('/apath', PHP_URL_HOST);

Code Example
Php :: php array_slice 
Php :: what is actullay work model in laravel 
Php :: PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object 
Php :: different between two dates 
Php :: laravel lumen 
Php :: wordpress website redirecting to install page after migration 
Php :: create orphan token in vault 
Php :: WooCommerce shop loop random array function not same values after each other 
Php :: advanaced layout builder enfold custom post type 
Php :: symfony functional test clear session and cookies 
Php :: laravel - access file from storage path - alternative to symlink 
Php :: php get non unique values from array 
Php :: Laravel Http client throw exception if request is not successful 
Php :: how to set default php version in ubuntu 
Php :: laravel nova create resource 
Php :: how to add accept and decline button in php form 
Php :: Laravel: Foreign id does not have default value 
Php :: expiry date alert in php 
Php :: php blade first child @foreach 
Php :: post factory faker 
Php :: wordpress plugin public page 
Php :: iterate collection laravel 
Php :: PHP strpbrk — Search a string for any of a set of characters 
Php :: one-through-many 
Php :: Search Multiple columns using one input 
Php :: if gd is image 
Php :: convert array to associative array php 
Php :: php hide credit card middle numbers 
Php :: add element to this array 
Php :: symfony server:start not working 
Source link
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