

php warning: module "curl" is already loaded in unknown on line 0

// 1. check the php.ini, that not have set xdebug
// so for the values extension= and zend_extension=

// 2. check /etc/php5/apache2 and /etc/php5/cli/. 
// You should not load in each php.ini in these directories the extension xdebug.
// so. Only one file, php.ini should load it.

// Note: Inside the path is the string /etc/php5. The 5 is the version of PHP.
// So if you use another version, you always get a different path, like php7.

Code Example
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Php :: generate rand password php 
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Php :: make a global php function in laravel so that accessed anywhere 
Php :: adding array not updating php 
Php :: $name = $name; "Robert" echo; 
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Php :: backend/web/index.php when deploying 
Php :: logout php mysql 
Php :: php spellchecker 
Php :: Call to undefined function can() laravel spatie 
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Php :: TypeError: Argument 1 passed to DrupalCoreEntityEntityViewBuilder::view() must implement interface 
Php :: laravel orm tutorial 
Php :: To show inline category 
Source link
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