#Text must be in double quotes in brackets
echo strrev("Text goes here");
$a = “abcdeg”;
echo strrev($a);
use strrev(); function
strrev("web learn smart");
// Iterative PHP program
// to reverse an array
/* Function to reverse
$arr from start to end*/
function rvereseArray(&$arr, $start,
while ($start < $end)
$temp = $arr[$start];
$arr[$start] = $arr[$end];
$arr[$end] = $temp;
/* Utility function to
print an array */
function printArray(&$arr, $size)
for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
echo $arr[$i] . " ";
echo "
// Driver code
$arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
// To print original array
printArray($arr, 6);
// Function calling
rvereseArray($arr, 0, 5);
echo "Reversed array is" ."
// To print the Reversed array
printArray($arr, 6);