

static php

  //Explanation and features
  //1- we can call the static methode  and  property without creating instance
  //from the class  => syntax to call is : classname::methodename(),ore propName.
  // static property save the new value in the function . 
  class carA {
  static private $color="red";
  public static function size (){return "big"}; 

class carB { $color private $color =" black" ;
              public  function size (){return "small"}; 
            //to access a static property to a public function in the same class =>
              static private $price= 3000; 
           public function price(){ 
            return self::$price;


$carOb = new carB(); 
echo $carOb->color;//output=>black;
echo $carOb->size();//output=>small;
echo $carOb->price();//output=>3000;

//to access to the static( property and methodes) className::propName/methodeName
echo carA::$color; //output is : red;
  echo carA::size(); //output is : big;


php static variable

  1) Example demonstrating need for static variables
  This function is quite useless since every time it is called 
  it sets $a to 0 and prints 0. 
  The $a++ which increments the variable serves no purpose 
  since as soon as the function exits the $a variable disappears.
  To make a useful counting function which will not lose track of the current count, 
  the $a variable is declared static:
function test()
    $a = 0;
    echo $a;

  2) Example use of static variables
  A static variable exists only in a local function scope, 
  but it does not lose its value when program execution leaves this scope.
function newTest()
    static $a = 0;
    echo $a;

static function php

class Car
    public function test($var = 'Hello kinjal')
        $this->var = $var;
        return $this->var;
class Bike
    public static function test($var)
        $var = '<br>this is static function';
        return $var;
$obj = new Car();
echo $obj->test();
echo Bike::test('this is non static');      //static function called using :: double colon


static variable php

function foo(){
    static $int = 0;          // correct 
    static $int = 1+2;        // correct
    static $int = sqrt(121);  // wrong  (as it is a function)

    echo $int;


Code Example
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Php :: what are the different types of PHP variables? 
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Source link
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