//uri problem 1041|| coordinates of a point in python 3.9
inp =input()
x, y = inp.split()
x =float(x)
y =float(y)if x ==0and y ==0:print("Origem")elif(x==0):print("Eixo Y")elif(y==0):print("Eixo X")elif x >0and y >0:print("Q1")elif x <0and y >0:print("Q2")elif x <0and y <0:print("Q3")elif x >0and y <0:print("Q4")
# 1043 triangle
a, b, c =map(float,input().split())if a+b > c and b+c > a and a+c > b:
peri = a+b+c
print("Perimetro = {:.1f}".format(peri))else:
area =((a+b)/2)*c
print("Area = {:.1f}".format(area))
data =list(map(float,input().split()))
a,b,c = data
if a>=b+c:print("NAO FORMA TRIANGULO")elif a**2== b**2+ c**2:print("TRIANGULO RETANGULO")elif a**2> b**2+ c**2:print("TRIANGULO OBTUSANGULO")elif a**2< b**2+ c**2:print("TRIANGULO ACUTANGULO")if a==b and a==c and b==a and b==c and c==a and c==b:print("TRIANGULO EQUILATERO")elif a==b or a==c or b==a or b==c or c==a or c==b:print("TRIANGULO ISOSCELES")