

string in python

# The input() Always Return Type == ( String ) 
# So If You Wanna Take Just String Value From The User :-
name = input( "Enter Your Name: " )

if name.isdigit() :
  print( "integer" )
else :
  print( "string" )  

Basic String Functions in python

# Basic Functions
len('turtle') # 6

# Basic Methods
'  I am alone '.strip()               # 'I am alone' --> Strips all whitespace characters from both ends.
'On an island'.strip('d')             # 'On an islan' --> # Strips all passed characters from both ends.
'but life is good!'.split()           # ['but', 'life', 'is', 'good!']
'Help me'.replace('me', 'you')        # 'Help you' --> Replaces first with second param
'Need to make fire'.startswith('Need')# True
'and cook rice'.endswith('rice')      # True
'bye bye'.index('e')                  # 2
'still there?'.upper()                # STILL THERE?
'HELLO?!'.lower()                     # hello?!
'ok, I am done.'.capitalize()         # 'Ok, I am done.'
'oh hi there'.find('i')               # 4 --> returns the starting index position of the first occurrence
'oh hi there'.count('e')              # 2

define a string in python

string1 = "something"
string2 = 'something else'
string3 = """

string python

#1) To type a string using the keyboard module:
#pip install keyboard
import keyboard
string = "This is what I typed"

#2) To check if an object is of the type 'str' (to check if the object is a string):
if type(object) == str:

#3) To print a string:
string = "This is displayed in your Big Black Console"

python strings

# concatenating strings just means combining strings together
# it is used to add one string to the end of another
# below are two exmaples of how concatenation can be used 
# to output 'Hello World':

# example 1:
hello_world = "Hello" + " World"

>>> Hello World

# example 2:
hello = "Hello"
print(hello + " World")

>>> Hello World

{} string python

txt1 = "My name is {fname}, I'm {age}".format(fname = "John", age = 36)
txt2 = "My name is {0}, I'm {1}".format("John",36)
txt3 = "My name is {}, I'm {}".format("John",36)


python string

txt = "this is a wild string"

print(txt.replace("i", "x"))  # print string with all i characters replaced with x
print(txt.replace("i", "x", 2))  # print string with first two i characters found with x
print(txt.upper())  # print string in all uppercase letters
print(txt.lower())  # print string in all uppercase letters

print(ord('A'))  # print the ordinal value of a character
print(chr(95))  # print character from its ordinal value
print('Yes' * 5) # print string Yes 5 times

# Reference strings by index
print(txt[0])  # print first letter of string from starting index
print(txt[0:2])  # print first two letters from starting index
print(txt[1:])  # print all characters except the first letter
print(txt[0::2])  # print every second character
print(txt[::-1])  # print string in reverse
print(txt[-1])  # print the last character in a string
print(txt[-2:])  # print the last who characters in a string

# check if a wild is found in txt
if "wild" in txt:
  print("wild is found in txt")

# check if a blah is not found in txt
if "blah" not in txt:
  print("is not found in txt")

# Check if txt starts with this
if txt.startswith("this"):
  print("Starts with this")

# check if txt ends with ing
if txt.endswith("ing"):
  print("Ends with ing")

# Split a string into a tuple when the delimiter is first encountered
txt = 'random-data'

data_split = txt.partition('-')
# output ('random', '-', 'data')

len(txt)  # Return length of string

# loop through each character in string
for char in txt:

# Display price with commas and 2 digit precision
price = 9749000
display_price = f"My price {price:,.2f}"

fruits = ['orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'banana', 'kiwi', 'apple', 'banana']
fruits.count('apple')  # count number of apples found in list
# output 2
fruits.count('tangerine')  # count number of tangerines in list
# output 0
fruits.index('banana')  # find the first index of banana
# output 3
fruits.index('banana', 4)  # Find next banana starting a position 4
# output 6
fruits.reverse()  # reverse fruits array
# output ['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi', 'banana', 'pear', 'apple', 'orange']
fruits.append('grape')  # append grape at the end of array
# output ['banana', 'apple', 'kiwi', 'banana', 'pear', 'apple', 'orange', 'grape']
# output ['apple', 'apple', 'banana', 'banana', 'grape', 'kiwi', 'orange', 'pear']

len(fruits)  # length of fruits array
# output 8

# loop and print each fruit
for fruit in fruits:
empty_set = set()

basket = {'apple', 'orange', 'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana'}
print(basket)                      # show that duplicates have been removed
# output {'orange', 'banana', 'pear', 'apple'}

# check if orange is in basket set
print('orange' in basket)
# output true

# convert a string to a set of letters - sets contains no duplicates
set_a = set('abcd')
set_b = set('bcde')

# the operations below returns new sets
# print letters in set_a but not in set_b - difference
print(set_a - set_b)
# output {'a'}

# print set letters that is in either set a or b - union
print(set_a | set_b)
# output {'a', 'c', 'e', 'b', 'd'}

# print letters that are in both set_a and set_b - intersection
print(set_a & set_b)
# output {'c', 'd', 'b'}

# print letters that are in set_a and set_b when the letters are found in a set but no the other set - symmetric_difference()
print(set_a ^ set_b)
# output {'a', 'e'}

# Creating dictionaries
dict1 = {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square', 'volume': 40}
dict2 = {'color': 'red', 'edges': 4, 'perimeter': 15}

# Creating new pairs and updating old ones
dict1['area'] = 25  # {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square', 'volume': 40, 'area': 25}
dict2['perimeter'] = 20  # {'color': 'red', 'edges': 4, 'perimeter': 20}

# Accessing values through keys - an KeyError will occur if the key does not exists

# You can also use get, which doesn't cause an exception when the key is not found
dict1.get('false_key')  # returns None
dict1.get('false_key', "key not found")  # returns the custom message that you wrote

# Delete item key and return the value if the key does not exists a KeyError occurs

# Merging two dictionaries
dict1.update(dict2)  # if a key exists in both, it takes the value of the second dict
dict1  # {'color': 'red', 'shape': 'square', 'area': 25, 'edges': 4, 'perimeter': 20}

# Getting only the values, keys or both (can be used in loops)
dict1.values()  # dict_values(['red', 'square', 25, 4, 20])
dict1.keys()  # dict_keys(['color', 'shape', 'area', 'edges', 'perimeter'])
# dict_items([('color', 'red'), ('shape', 'square'), ('area', 25), ('edges', 4), ('perimeter', 20)])

# create a shallow copy of dict1
dict3 = dict1.copy()
# dict3 = {'color': 'red', 'shape': 'square', 'area': 25, 'edges': 4, 'perimeter': 20}


string in python

# ways to dfefine string in python
string = "String"
string = str(string)

# Can Add strings
s1  = "Str"
s2 = "ing"
s = s1 + s2 # "String"

python strings

type('Hellloooooo') # str

'I'm thirsty'
"I'm thirsty"
" # new line
"	" # adds a tab

'Hey you!'[4] # y
name = 'Andrei Neagoie'
name[4]     # e
name[:]     # Andrei Neagoie
name[1:]    # ndrei Neagoie
name[:1]    # A
name[-1]    # e
name[::1]   # Andrei Neagoie
name[::-1]  # eiogaeN ierdnA
name[0:10:2]# Ade e
# : is called slicing and has the format [ start : end : step ]

'Hi there ' + 'Timmy' # 'Hi there Timmy' --> This is called string concatenation
'*'*10 # **********

string pythhon

a = '''my name is 
coding boy


#this is how string works
#it will print te value what you will enter

python string

#Strings in python are surrounded by either single quotation marks, or double quotation marks.
print("This is a string")
print('i am also a string')

python string

>>> 'Py' 'thon'

Python String

print("A Computer Science portal for ")

Python Strings


str = 'Hello World!'

print str          # Prints complete string
print str[0]       # Prints first character of the string
print str[2:5]     # Prints characters starting from 3rd to 5th
print str[2:]      # Prints string starting from 3rd character
print str * 2      # Prints string two times
print str + "TEST" # Prints concatenated string

a python string

a_string = "this is a string"

python string

#You can assign a multiline string to a variable by using three quotes:

a = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."""

Python String Operations

# Python String Operations
str1 = 'Hello'
str2 ='World!'

# using +
print('str1 + str2 = ', str1 + str2)

# using *
print('str1 * 3 =', str1 * 3)

Code Example
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Python :: printing hello world in python 
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Source link
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