

class attributes in python

class MyClass:
  # Class attributes are defined outside of constructor
  class_attr = 0
  def __init__(self, inst):
    # Instance attributes are defined in the constructor
    self.instance_attr = inst
obj = MyClass(1)
print(obj.class_attr) # outputs 0
print(obj.instance_attr) # outputs 1
print(MyClass.class_attr) # outputs 0
print(MyClass.instance_attr) # raises AttributeError

Python property Class

# using property class
class Celsius:
    def __init__(self, temperature=0):
        self.temperature = temperature
    def to_fahrenheit(self):
        return (self.temperature * 1.8) + 32
    # getter
    def get_temperature(self):
        print("Getting value...")
        return self._temperature
    # setter
    def set_temperature(self, value):
        print("Setting value...")
        if value < -273.15:
            raise ValueError("Temperature below -273.15 is not possible")
        self._temperature = value
    # creating a property object
    temperature = property(get_temperature, set_temperature)

Code Example
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Source link
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