

dependency parser tags

This is a list of dependency parser tags :)

acl                ->      clausal modifier of a noun (adnominal clause)
acl:relcl          ->      relative clause modifier
advcl              ->      adverbial clause modifier
advmod             ->      adverbial modifier
advmod:emph        ->      emphasizing phrase, intensifier
advmod:lmod        ->      locative adverbial modifier
amod               ->      adjectival modifier
appos              ->      appositional modifier
aux                ->      auxiliary
aux:move           ->      passive auxiliary
case               ->      case-marking
cc                 ->      coordinating conjunction
cc:preconj         ->      preconjunct
ccomp              ->      clausal complement
clf                ->      classifier
compound           ->      compound
compound:lvc       ->      gentle verb building
compound:prt       ->      phrasal verb particle
compound:redup     ->      reduplicated compounds
compound:svc       ->      serial verb compounds
conj               ->      conjunct
cop                ->      copula
csubj              ->      clausal topic
csubj:move         ->      clausal passive topic
dep                ->      unspecified dependency
det                ->      determiner
det:numgov         ->      рrоnоminаl quаntifier gоverning the саse оf the nоun
det:nummod         ->      рrоnоminаl quаntifier agreeing with the саse оf the nоun
det:poss           ->      possessive determiner
discourse          ->      discourse ingredient
dislocated         ->      dislocated parts
expl               ->      expletive
expl:impers        ->      impersonal expletive
expl:move          ->      reflexive pronoun utilized in reflexive passive
expl:pv            ->      reflexive clitic with an inherently reflexive verb
mounted            ->      mounted multiword expression
flat               ->      flat multiword expression
flat:overseas      ->      overseas phrases
flat:title         ->      names
goeswith           ->      goes with
iobj               ->      oblique object
checklist          ->      checklist
mark               ->      marker
nmod               ->      nominal modifier
nmod:poss          ->      possessive nominal modifier
nmod:tmod          ->      temporal modifier
nsubj              ->      nominal topic
nsubj:move         ->      passive nominal topic
nummod             ->      numeric modifier
nummod:gov         ->      numeriс mоdifier gоverning the саse оf the nоun
obj                ->      object
obl                ->      indirect nominal
obl:agent          ->      agent modifier
obl:arg            ->      indirect argument
obl:lmod           ->      locative modifier
obl:tmod           ->      temporal modifier
orphan             ->      orphan
parataxis          ->      parataxis
punct              ->      punctuation
reparandum         ->      overridden disfluency
root               ->      root
vocative           ->      vocative
xcomp              ->      open clausal complement

Code Example
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Source link
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