

desktop notifier in python

import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# url of news rss feed
RSS_FEED_URL = ""    
def loadRSS():
    utility function to load RSS feed
    # create HTTP request response object
    resp = requests.get(RSS_FEED_URL)
    # return response content
    return resp.content
def parseXML(rss):
    utility function to parse XML format rss feed
    # create element tree root object
    root = ET.fromstring(rss)
    # create empty list for news items
    newsitems = []
    # iterate news items
    for item in root.findall('./channel/item'):
        news = {}
        # iterate child elements of item
        for child in item:
            # special checking for namespace object content:media
            if child.tag == '{}content':
                news['media'] = child.attrib['url']
                news[child.tag] = child.text.encode('utf8')
    # return news items list
    return newsitems
def topStories():
    main function to generate and return news items
    # load rss feed
    rss = loadRSS()
    # parse XML
    newsitems = parseXML(rss)
    return newsitems

Code Example
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Python :: defaultdict item count 
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Python :: swapping upper case and lower case string python 
Python :: circular dependencies in python 
Python :: dependency injection python 
Python :: find index of value in list python 
Python :: convert hex rgb to matplotlib color 
Python :: python re.sub() 
Python :: list slice in python 
Python :: python index for all matches 
Python :: make button in tk 
Python :: if statement python explained 
Python :: install pyimagesearch python3 
Python :: anonymous function python 
Python :: drop row pandas column value not a number 
Python :: polymorphism in python 
Python :: giving number of letter in python 
Python :: how to import data in python 
Python :: how to find the last occurrence of a character in a string in python 
Python :: add header info in django response 
Python :: python remove the element in list 
Python :: change the format of date in python 
Python :: pandas take entries from other column if column is nan 
Python :: python ravel function 
Python :: python struct 
Python :: install python anaconda 
Source link
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