

python check operating system

from sys import platform
if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
    # linux
elif platform == "darwin":
    # OS X
elif platform == "win32":
    # Windows...

detect operating system using python

import platform
my_os = platform.system()
print("OS in my system : ",my_os)

# Output - 
# OS in my system :  Linux

Python How To Check Operating System

import platform
my_os = platform.system()
print("OS in my system : ",my_os)

Python - How To Check Operating System

import platform 
my_os = platform.system() 
print("OS in my system : ",my_os)

Detect the Operating System Using the sys Module in Python

# The sys module can also be used to find the operating system of the device.
# We use the platform attribute of the sys module to get the operating system’s name
# on our device.

import sys

print("OS in my system : ",my_os)

# Output:

# OS in my system :  linux

# Whenever you want to specifically distinguish your system in between win32 and
# cygwin, this method can be very useful.

# This approach can also be helpful when we want to specifically distinguish your
# system in between win32 and cygwin.

# For other operating system sys.platform outputs as:

# `win32`   for Windows(Win32)
# 'cygwin'  for Windows(cygwin)
# 'darwin'  for macOS
# 'aix'     for AIX

Code Example
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