# to add key-value pairs to a dictionary:
d1 ={"1":1,"2":2,"3":3}# Define the dictionary
d1["4"]=4# Add key-value pair "4" is key and 4 is valueprint(d1)# will return updated dictionary
testing1={'one':1,'two':2}''' update() is the method of dict() merges another dict into existing ones '''''' it replaces the keys of exisiting ones with the the new ones '''
testing1.update({'two':3,'noice':69})print(testing1)""" {'one':1,'two':3,'noice':69} """
a_dictionary ={}#creates a blank dictionary#variables created outside of dictionary
name ="Geronimo"#this will become a key to access the value
age =34#This becomes the value assigned to the key
a_dictionary[name]= bid #this adds the key and the value