

python different types of loops

# a 'while' loop runs until the condition is broken
a = "apple"
while a == "apple":
  a = "banana" # breaks loop as 'a' no longer equals 'apple'
# a 'for' loop runs for the given number of iterations...
for i in range(10):
  print(i) # will print 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

# ... or through a sequence
array = [3, 6, 8, 2, 1]
for number in array:
  print(number) # will print 3, 6, 8, 2, 1

different types f python loops

#loopies hehe
for x in range(10): #for loops.
  print("For loop")
while True: #while loop.
  print("While loop")

Code Example
Python :: use argparse to call function and use argument in function 
Python :: Python Program to Sort Words in Alphabetic Order 
Python :: remove figure label 
Python :: python int in list 
Python :: pysimplegui get value from textbox 
Python :: pandas read csv with lists 
Python :: dictionary from two list 
Python :: call javascript function flask 
Python :: base64 python flask html 
Python :: pandas print groupby 
Python :: decimal to binary 
Python :: how to run python code in python 
Python :: unicode error python 
Python :: how to compare list and int in python 
Python :: get n largest values from 2D numpy array matrix 
Python :: python range from n to 0 
Python :: assign exec function to variable python 
Python :: unicodedata no accent 
Python :: python reverse dictionary 
Python :: what does the combinations itertools in python do 
Python :: python - login 
Python :: flask flash The browser (or proxy) sent a request that this server could not understand. 
Python :: matplotlib multiple bar plot 
Python :: how to add badges to github repo 
Python :: Accessing of Tuples in python 
Python :: os module in python 
Python :: add header info in django response 
Python :: python print every row of dataframe 
Python :: geodataframe get crs 
Python :: python with quick sort 
Source link
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