

flask vs django

Django is a full-stack web framework, 
whereas Flask is a micro and lightweight web framework. 
The features provided by Django help developers to build large 
and complex web applications. On the other hand, Flask accelerates development 
of simple web applications by providing the required functionality

flask or django

Flask is a lightweight framework, while Django is a huge framework,
with extra functionality. Django is better for large projects,
while Flask is better for smaller and simpler projects.

django or flask

Django is a full-stack and useful for big and huge projects but Flask is
lightweight and simple . It is based on your needy to use them . 
I think Django is better for back-end . It is something that i think .

Code Example
Python :: data type 
Python :: how to do the sum of list in python 
Python :: how to replace special characters in a string python 
Python :: generator comprehension python 
Python :: for loop to while loop in python 
Python :: shape function python 
Python :: vstack numpy 
Python :: what is heapq in python 
Python :: any and all in python3 
Python :: pandas .replace multiple values in column 
Python :: how to sleep() in python 
Python :: python beautifulsoup get attibute 
Python :: rotatelist in python 
Python :: tkinter while button not pressed 
Python :: read list of dictionaries from file python 
Python :: numpy sign method 
Python :: python scatter size 
Python :: ajouter dans une liste python 
Python :: Examples using matplotlib.pyplot.quiver 
Python :: numpy vs tensorflow 
Python :: get pattern from string python 
Python :: creating dynamic variable in python 
Python :: pandas extracting tables from pdf 
Python :: python excel sheet 
Python :: shebang line python 
Python :: forward checking algorithm python 
Python :: turtle opacity 
Python :: perchè il metodo reverse return none 
Python :: roll dice python 
Shell :: install git ec2 linux 
Source link
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