>>>import pyautogui
>>> screenWidth, screenHeight = pyautogui.size()# Returns two integers, the width and height of the screen. (The primary monitor, in multi-monitor setups.)>>> currentMouseX, currentMouseY = pyautogui.position()# Returns two integers, the x and y of the mouse cursor's current position.>>> pyautogui.moveTo(100,150)# Move the mouse to the x, y coordinates 100, 150.>>> pyautogui.click()# Click the mouse at its current location.>>> pyautogui.click(200,220)# Click the mouse at the x, y coordinates 200, 220.>>> pyautogui.move(None,10)# Move mouse 10 pixels down, that is, move the mouse relative to its current position.>>> pyautogui.doubleClick()# Double click the mouse at the>>> pyautogui.moveTo(500,500, duration=2, tween=pyautogui.easeInOutQuad)# Use tweening/easing function to move mouse over 2 seconds.>>> pyautogui.write('Hello world!', interval=0.25)# Type with quarter-second pause in between each key.>>> pyautogui.press('esc')# Simulate pressing the Escape key.>>> pyautogui.keyDown('shift')>>> pyautogui.write(['left','left','left','left','left','left'])>>> pyautogui.keyUp('shift')>>> pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl','c')
>>> pyautogui.dragTo(x, y, duration=num_seconds)# drag mouse to XY>>> pyautogui.dragRel(xOffset, yOffset, duration=num_seconds)# drag mouse relative to its current position
>>> pyautogui.position()# current mouse x and y(968,56)>>> pyautogui.size()# current screen resolution width and height(1920,1080)>>> pyautogui.onScreen(x, y)# True if x & y are within the screen.True
>>> pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration=num_seconds)# move mouse to XY coordinates over num_second seconds>>> pyautogui.moveRel(xOffset, yOffset, duration=num_seconds)# move mouse relative to its current position
>>> pyautogui.alert('This displays some text with an OK button.')>>> pyautogui.confirm('This displays text and has an OK and Cancel button.')'OK'>>> pyautogui.prompt('This lets the user type in a string and press OK.')'This is what I typed in.'
>>> pyautogui.screenshot()# returns a Pillow/PIL Image object<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=1920x1080 at 0x24C3EF0>>>> pyautogui.screenshot('foo.png')# returns a Pillow/PIL Image object, and saves it to a file<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=1920x1080 at 0x31AA198>
>>>for i in pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen('looksLikeThis.png')......(863,117,70,13)(623,137,70,13)(853,577,70,13)(883,617,70,13)(973,657,70,13)(933,877,70,13)