

easy ocr python pypi

import easyocr
reader = easyocr.Reader(['ch_sim','en']) # this needs to run only once to load the model into memory
result = reader.readtext('chinese.jpg')

Code Example
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Python :: python graph 
Python :: how to split from a specific charecter tfrm the end of string 
Python :: python list insert multiple 
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Python :: circular ImportError: cannot import name 
Python :: SimpleITK interpolation 
Python :: import sys execute cmd 
Python :: instaed of: output = "Programming" + "is" + "fun -- use join 
Python :: poset save @reciever created 
Python :: plt.axes muktiple plots 
Python :: how to hash out a big paragraph in vs code python 
Python :: python tuple multiply sequence 
Python :: oaxaca 
Python :: "json" is not defined 
Python :: how do i make snake game using python for beginners without pygame 
Python :: convert json file to dict - if comming as list 
Python :: how to incorportate a different language in python code 
Python :: numpy generlized ufunc 
Python :: jumpssh execute multiple commands 
Python :: return positon of ele in list python 
Python :: Crop Image as Circle with transparent background 
Python :: Custom RGB To Hex Conversion with Python 
Python :: place parameters tkinter 
Python :: python tkinter gui does not update until function completes 
Python :: check if varible is emyt pyton 
Python :: Calculate summary statistics across columns 
Source link
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