example of python application from github to docker image
example of python application from github to docker image
example of python application from github to docker image
example of python application from github to docker image
CMD [ "python" , "./" ]
example of python application from github to docker image
FROM python: 3
ADD my_script. py /
RUN pip install pystrich
CMD [ "python" , "./" ]
example of python application from github to docker image
from pystrich. datamatrix import DataMatrixEncoder
encoder = DataMatrixEncoder( 'This is a DataMatrix.' )
encoder. save( './datamatrix_test.png' )
print ( encoder. get_ascii( ) )
example of python application from github to docker image
docker build - t python- barcode .
example of python application from github to docker image
docker run python- barcode
example of python application from github to docker image
docker run - it - - rm - - name my- first- python- script - v "$PWD" : / usr/ src/ widget_app python: 3 python my_script. py
example of python application from github to docker image
docker run - it - - rm - - name my- first- python- script - v "$PWD" : / usr/ src/ widget_app python: 2 python my_script. py
example of python application from github to docker image
example of python application from github to docker image
$ docker ps - q - a | xargs docker rm
example of python application from github to docker image
$ docker rmi 60959f29de3a
example of python application from github to docker image
docker rmi $( docker images | grep "<none>" | awk '{print $3}' )
example of python application from github to docker image
docker rmi $( docker images | awk '{print $3}' )
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