defmyFunction(say):#you can add variables to the functionprint(say)
age =input("How old are you?")
myFunction("You are {} years old!".format(age))#this is what you get:
How old are you?
>>11#lol my real age actually
You are 11 years old!
#A function is a collection of code, which performs a specific task. defsay_hi(name, age):#This defines the function you can also add #variables in the parenthesesprint("Hello "+ name +", you are "+str(age))
say_hi("Justin",36)#This calls the function and executes the code
say_hi("Jhon",38)#Inside the parentheses you can state the name
say_hi("Jason",40)#and age that you want to run#when you are naming a function, name the function with all lowercase.#If you have a short two word name of your function it is not necessary#to use a underscore symbol ( _ ), however if you want to there is no #problem.
#Letters, Nums,#& underscores#only, can't =7 #start w/ num | _ 5 is the default value if no# | | | value is passed# v v vdeffuncName(param1, param2=5):#The colon terminates func header str(param1)#Typecasting is temparary
strVar =str(param1)# To make typecast perma, assign to var
param1 = param2 # 5 is passed to param1 return param1 # 5 is returned# ^ ^# | |_ return value is optional, if no return value, func #Optional will end returning to func call#return
x = funcName(7)print(x)# prints 5
deffunction():print('This is a basic function')
function()// Returns 'This is a basic function'defadd(numA, numB):print(numA+numB)
add(1,2)// Returns 3defdefine(value):return value
example = define('Lorem ipsum')print(example)// Returns 'Lorem ipsum'
#plz suscribe my youtube channel --> Parameter of the function# |defgreetings(Name):#Content inside the functionprint("Hello",Name)print("How are you",Name)print(greetings("Python devloper"))# ^# |# Argument of the function
# first we have to write 'def'# then our function name followed by ()# and a ':' abd defining block of codedefmultiply():# naming convention could be same as variable for functions
product =10.5*4return product
product = multiply()print(product)
deftest_function(argument1,argument2,argument3):# Do something with the code, and the arguments.print(argument1)print(argument2)print(argument3)# Calling the function.
test_function('Hello','World','!')# Output'''
#to create a function in python, do the following#create funcdeffunc():#can add variables inside the bracketsprint("This is the function of the func")# to call a function, do the following
func()#you would get a line of code saying "This is the function of the func"# By Codexel
#Function Tutoral:defhello():print("hello")"""To make a function, it needs def then nameOfFunction() and a : to
make the function work, you don't need a closing tag, as long as there is
tabbed section."""defadd(a, b):#This time, there is two inputs for the function to prossess.
c = a + b
return c
"""What the function above does is you input 2 numbers, and then it returns
#The Value c, Calling it is as simple as add(5, 1)
#What return does, is it almost makes a varible. So you can do:
#70 + add(10, 20) and it will return with: 100. This is because it will
go 70 + 30, as the function returned 30 because the inputs were 10 and 20.""""""Functions can be called by code, as long as the function has already
been defined. Hope this helped you in your python journey!"""
#A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called.#You can pass data, known as parameters, into a function.#following is a simple functiondefexmple_of_function():print("Hello from a function")
defname():#name of the def(function);print("Hallo, World!")#Output is Hallo, World!;
name()#Name of the def, the programm will jump to the def;#output:#Hallo, World!
#Function in pythondefidentity(age):print("You are "+str(age)+" Years old")
identity(input("Type your age: "))defid(name):print("Hello "+name+"."+"You are our valued customer")print("Have a nice Day "+name)id(input("Type your name: "))# if you want to use the input method to get the user info more# than one time then you should make two function.# In one function you can't get the multiple results.if anyone can find# please add to greeper ans.
#Statements with pound sign are comments, just to guide. They wont be executed.#Funtion Definition- Must include defdefmy_Function():#statements within a function, will be executed when the function is calledprint("Hello World!")#Function Calling
# Functions""" All the functions are followed by the 'def' keyword in python"""defGreet(User):# The arguments inside the brackets should be called or the function gives you an errorprint("Hello"+ User +"!")# Calling the function
Greet("Shivram")# Output: 'Hello Shivram !'
# We use the def keyword to write a function in python# Format: def function_name():# For example:defBark():print("Bark! Bark!")# If we want to run the function
x =5print('Hello')# Here you define the function, start with def key word ends with colon# The block of code of the function should be indenteddefprint_lyrics():print("I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.")print("I sleep all night and I work all day.")print('Yo')# Here we call or invoke the function
x = x+2print(x)
You need to install js2py or requests-html packages to run the JavaScript program from Python
//example ://javaScript function : squareofNum()
code in python :import js2py
squareofNum ="function f(x) {return x*x;}"
result = js2py.eval_js(squareofNum)print(result(5))>>output :25
defmain():#this will define your function, which you can use in the program#or you can use it in other programs too, which ill show later#also you have to call your function once atleast
userinput =input("String: ")#ask the user for input, which is being stored in userinputiflen(userinput)<5:print("it is longer")else:print("it is shorter")
main()#this will call the function'''
to use your function in other programs, you can just do the following
from (the name of the program you want to import the function from) import (function name)
Really hoped this helped
Functions are very useful in python because you can use them instead
of repeating code in your program which makes your code messy.
'''# This is how you create a functiondeffunctionName():print('Hello World!')
functionName()# prints out 'Hello World!'
functionName()# prints out 'Hello World!' again# Functions can have attributes which you insert into the functiondefadd(a, b):print(a + b)
add(2,4)# prints out '6'
add(11,35)# prints out '46'# Finally, functions can return values which you can save as variablesdefaddFive(value):return value +5
myVar = addFive(3)# myVar becomes equal to 8 (3 + 5)print(myVar)# prints out myVar'''
Keep in mind that scope comes into play in your functions. If you
create a variable in a function, it won't be saved outside the
myVar =5
createVar()print(myVar)# returns error (unless you defined myVar outside function)