rock paper scissors game in python
import random
choices = [ 'r' , 's' , 'p' ]
choice_meaning = {
'r' : 'Rock' ,
's' : 'Scissors' ,
'p' : 'Paper'
ai_choice = random. choice( choices)
user_choice = input ( 'Enter your choice as r = Rock, s= scissors, p= paper : ' )
if user_choice in choices:
print (
f"Your choice is { choice_meaning[ user_choice] } .Computer choice is { choice_meaning[ ai_choice] } ." )
if user_choice == ai_choice:
print ( "Tie" )
elif ( user_choice == 'r' and ai_choice == 's' ) or ( user_choice == 's' and ai_choice == 'p' ) or ( user_choice == 'p' and ai_choice == 'r' ) :
print ( "You won" )
else :
print ( "You lost" )
else :
print ( "Invalid inpute" )
rock paper scissors python
import random
import time
computerwins = 0
playerwins = 0
ties = 0
end = 0
while True :
choices = [ "rock" ,
"paper" ,
"scissors" ]
userChoice = raw_input ( "Rock, Paper, Scissors, or End" )
computerChoice = ( random. choice( choices) )
print ( computerChoice)
if userChoice == computerChoice:
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Tie!
ties += 1
end += 1
elif userChoice == "rock" :
if computerChoice == "paper" :
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Computer Win!
computerwins += 1
end += 1
else :
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Player win!
playerwins += 1
end += 1
elif userChoice == "paper" :
if computerChoice == "rock" :
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Player win!
playerwins += 1
end += 1
else :
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Computer win!
computerwins += 1
end += 1
elif userChoice == "scissors" :
if computerChoice == "rock" :
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Computer win!
computerwins += 1
end += 1
else :
time. sleep( 0.5 )
print ( "Player win!
playerwins += 1
end += 1
elif userChoice == "end" :
choices. append( "end" )
print ( "
Great game!
print ( "Total score for computer: " , computerwins, "wins!" )
print ( "Total score for player: " , playerwins, "wins!" )
print ( "Total ties: " , ties, "ties!" )
time. sleep( 2 )
python rock paper scissors game
import random as rd
objects = [ 'rock' , 'paper' , "scissor" ]
condition = { '0,2' : 'rock' , '2,0' : 'rock' , '0,1' : 'paper' , '1,0' : 'paper' , '1,2' : 'scissor' , '2,1' : 'scissor' }
rounds = int ( input ( 'How many rounds(int): ' ) )
game = 0
drew = 0
count = 0
def play ( ) :
global rounds, game, count, drew
while game < rounds:
game += 1
print ( 'Game %d' . center( 20 , "-" ) % game)
player_move = objects. index( input ( "Rock, Paper, or Scissor: " ) . lower( ) )
computer_move = rd. randint( 0 , 2 )
print ( "Your selection: %s, Computer's selection: %s" % ( objects[ player_move] , objects[ computer_move] ) )
if player_move == computer_move:
drew += 1
print ( 'Game %d: Drew!' % game)
winning_move = [ str ( player_move) + ',' + str ( computer_move) ]
print ( condition[ '' . join( winning_move) ] , player_move)
if condition[ '' . join( winning_move) ] == objects[ player_move] :
count += 1
print ( 'Game %d: Player Wins!' % game)
if condition[ '' . join( winning_move) ] == objects[ computer_move] :
print ( 'Game %d: Computer Wins!' % game)
if count > ( rounds- drew) / 2 :
return 'Final Conclusion: Player Wins'
if count == ( rounds- drew) / 2 :
return 'Final Conclusion: Drew'
else :
return 'Final Conclusion: Computer Wins'
print ( play( ) )
How to code a simple rock, paper, scissors game on Python
import random
your_input = input ( "Enter a choice (r = rock, p = paper, s = scissors): " )
user = ""
if your_input. lower( ) == "r" :
user = "rock"
if your_input. lower( ) == "p" :
user = "paper"
if your_input. lower( ) == "s" :
user = "scissors"
possible = [ "rock" , "paper" , "scissors" ]
computer = random. choice( possible)
print ( f"
You chose { user} , computer chose { computer} .
if user == computer:
print ( f"Both players selected { user} . It's a tie!" )
elif user == "rock" :
if computer == "scissors" :
print ( "Rock smashes scissors! You win!" )
else :
print ( "Paper covers rock! You lose!" )
elif user == "paper" :
if computer == "rock" :
print ( "Paper covers rock, You win!" )
else :
print ( "Scissors cuts paper! You lose!" )
elif user == "scissors" :
if computer == "paper" :
print ( "Scissors cuts paper! You win!" )
else :
print ( "Rock smashes scissors! You lose!" )
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