======= Convert Decimal to Binary in Python ========
my_int = 10;
#Method 1: using bin
n1 = bin(my_int).replace("0b", "") #1010
or n1 = bin(my_int)[2:]
#Method 2: using format
n2 = "{0:b}".format(my_int)
or n2 = format(my_int, 'b') #1010
a = 5
#this prints the value of "a" in binary
a = 10
#this will print a in binary
bnr = bin(a).replace('0b','')
x = bnr[::-1] #this reverses an array
while len(x) < 8:
x += '0'
bnr = x[::-1]
if num >= 1:
DecimalToBinary(num // 2)
print num % 2