

encrypt and decrypt python

# encrypting
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
message = "my deep dark secret".encode()

f = Fernet(key)
encrypted = f.encrypt(message)
# decrypting
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
encrypted = b"...encrypted bytes..."

f = Fernet(key)
decrypted = f.decrypt(encrypted)

how to encrypt a string python

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
message = "my deep dark secret".encode()

f = Fernet(key)
encrypted = f.encrypt(message)

encrypt string python

# pip install kellanb-cryptography

##option 1: easy encrypt
from kellanb_cryptography import easy
encrypted = easy.encrypt('data','password')   # encrypt  
decrypted = easy.decrypt(encrypted,'password')  #decrypt 

##option 2:  encrypt in aes
from kellanb_cryptography import aes,key
k = key.gen_key_from_password('password') # generate a key
encrypted = aes.encrypt_aes('data',k)   # encrypt text 
decrypted = aes.decrypt_aes(encrypted,k)  #decrypt 

##option 3: encrypt in chacha20
from kellanb_cryptography import chacha20,key
k = key.gen_key_from_password('password') # generate a key
encrypted = chacha20. encrypt_chacha_20('data',k)   # encrypt text 
decrypted = chacha20.decrypt_chacha_20(encrypted,k)  #decrypt 

How To Encrypt a Python String

from simplecrypt import encrypt, decrypt passkey = 'wow' str1 = 'I am okay' cipher = encrypt(passkey, str1) print(cipher)

Code Example
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Source link
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